Thursday, September 10, 2020

First in person day of school

Here they are! Grades 6, 10, and 11! David had the first 2 days off, will be in school today and tomorrow with half of his class. Then another week of 2 days off and 2 days in school with cohort B before the full class starts next Friday. Lucas and Michael had their first 2 days online with half their class at the school. This will continue for now: Monday, Tuesday, every other Wednesday online followed by every other Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at school. They will have 2 classes per day on a 2 day rotation. Assuming they figure out how to give Michael his 4th class (right now he and several friends only have 3 out of 4 courses...)

Lucas's first day of grade 11 was online!
Michael's first day of grade 10 was online.
David was relaxing in his pajamas for the first 2 days of school.

1 comment:

Stobby said...

The Hanson impersonators. They'd only have to learn one song to get variety acts all over town. Think about it.